Flying Eagle Ministries

Our Leadership


Pastor Keith M. Clark

Pastor Keith M. Clark, a native of New York and graduate of The Baltimore School of the Bible, joined the leadership team as pastor of the Flying Eagles Worship Center.

His his military background, musical gifts and broadcasting training, his contribution to our mission and members cannot be overstated. He diligently serves our church with joy and dedication; and his is a faithful member our covering ministry, The Master’s Touch World Wide Fellowship & Ministries.

Pastor Clark is married to a wonderful wife and is both a father and grandfather. Feel free to connect with him via his social media channels.

Apostle Dr. Mary Davis-Edwards

Apostle Dr. Mary Davis-Edwards is the founder of the Flying Eagles Ministries, Inc., (FEM) and The Master’s Touch World Wide Fellowship and Ministries, Inc. Her burden is to see that the elect of God are released into a greater anointing that flows in the purpose that God has given to them. She flows in the ministry of healing and deliverance with many signs and wonders testifying of her election and connection to God.  

Apostle Edwards graduated from the Baltimore School of the Bible in June of 1992. She received her Bachelor’s Degree of Theology from the Family Bible Institute College and Seminary in 1995; her Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling at Global Bible University in 2006, and her Doctorate in Ministry in 2008.  

Apostle Edwards is considered to be the mother to many.  However, in the natural realm, she has one son, Billy Edwards, Jr., and two devoted sisters: Trustee Tina Davis Sewell and Minister Dr. Diane Davis Lewis.

Feel free to connect with her via her social media channels.

All ministries and subdivisions are comprised of and staffed by current members of the ministry who, along with others in the community, have voluntarily donated their time and talents to the work of the Lord's ministry.

Copyright by Flying Eagle Ministries

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1500 Union Suite 2500, Baltimore, Maryland 21211

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Phone : (443) 825-1308
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Our Hours

Sunday Service –9:30 a.m. Zoom

Thursday Bread of Life Bible Study- 7:00 p.m.

Friday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00p.m.

Every 3rd Saturday Prayer 11:00a.m.

Every Sunday – Communion

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