Flying Eagles Ministries

Our Mission & Beliefs

Flying Eagles Worship Center is all about helping unchurched people become a unified community of growing, multiplying Christ followers. (Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:12-13)
Jesus never saw church as a place to go, but as a people who love Him and who are learning to love others. At Flying Eagles Worship Center, no matter what your spiritual background or past or where you are now, we want you to come as you are questions, doubts, skepticism, whatever bring it! Connect into community here and take your next steps toward becoming who you were intended to be.

The Bible

We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are given by God’s inspiration. We believe the Scriptures were written by God through people and therefore speak with the authority of God while reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors.


We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are given by God’s inspiration. We believe the Scriptures were written by God through people and therefore speak with the authority of God while reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. We believe he was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and now acts as the only mediator between God and people.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to apply the saving work of Christ. He does this by bringing conviction of a person’s need for the forgiveness of Christ. He regenerates their heart and then permanently indwells them when they believe. His ongoing work is to guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.


We believe that people were created in the image of God for a loving relationship with God. However, people have rebelled against God, actively or passively choosing to go their own independent way. As a result, we’re separated from God and suffer the corruption of our nature because of our sin.


We believe that Jesus Christ died as the substitution for the death penalty we owed. No amount of good works or human effort can restore us from our state of eternal alienation from God.

The Church

We believe that there is only one true Church universal composed of all people who have accepted Jesus Christ as savior and Lord of their lives. The diversity of all believers working together, using their gifts to build up one another, form the parts of the body of Christ, the Church.

Spiritual Growth

We believe that transformation, growth and life change are evidence of a person’s connection to God. As we continue to pursue a real relationship with God He will continue to change us to become more like Christ.

Flying Eagles Ministries

The Flying Eagles Ministries, Inc. and all of its sub-divisions and activities are fully supported by tithes, offerings and monetary donations from members of the ministry, friends of the ministry and members of the community.

Contact Us


1500 Union Suite 2500, Baltimore, Maryland 21211

Contact Us
Phone : (443) 825-1308
Email :
Our Hours

Sunday Service –9:30 a.m. Zoom

Thursday Bread of Life Bible Study- 7:00 p.m.

Friday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00p.m.

Every 3rd Saturday Prayer 11:00a.m.

Every Sunday – Communion

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Flying Eagle Ministries
Your Home away from Home!

Copyright by Flying Eagle Ministries